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Does Aromatherapy Work For Stress?

Does Aromatherapy Work For Stress?

The simple answer is - yes. For many, using essential oils has brought both physical and psychological benefits. Not only are they powerful for stress relief, uplifting your mood, they can be very skin and body healing too, which all helps greatly towards your general well-being.
4 ways in which aromatherapy works for stress:
1. Stress relief
2. Better mental health
3. Improved skin
4. Less health issues

What is aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy, also known as essential oil therapy, works by harnessing a plant's essence to cure or lessen the effects of stress, diseases and other ailments. Essential oils are extracted from either the plant’s flowers, bark, leaves, fruit, stem or roots, and are often combined with other base ingredients, so that they can be sprayed into the air, applied to your skin or poured into your bath.
essential oil aromatherapy
Aromatherapy can improve your well-being both through absorption or inhalation as the scent of the essential oils stimulates the smell receptors in the brain and triggers the limbic system which controls emotions. As a result, users can experience stress relief from the relaxation the scent provides. Aromatherapy can also aid in other issues that may cause you stress, such as skin and health concerns.
Your personal well-being is important and many have made it their top priority, resulting in a greater quality of life, more confidence and a happier life. Aromatherapy can help you on your journey.

1. Stress Relief

We all experience a certain level of stress in our everyday lives. You can help keep your stress levels in balance with mindfulness and practicing meditation or yoga, eating well, setting good intentions for the day ahead and focusing on the best bits of your day just before falling asleep.
Sometimes, particularly when you’re having a hard day, putting a couple of drops of your favourite pure organic essential oil in the palm of your hand, rubbing your hands together and breathing in the wonderful aroma can make all the difference to how the rest of your day pans out.

Using aromatherapy in the bath

Relaxing for just 20 minutes in a bath scented with your favourite relaxing organic essential oil such as Lavender, Ylang Ylang or Rose Geranium about an hour before bedtime can greatly enhance your quality of sleep and therefore your quality of life.

2. Mental health

Now although we all experience stress, some may be wondering “can aromatherapy help with depression?” The answer is of course Yes! - essential oils can ease symptoms of depression.
aromatherapy reducing stress
Much like essential oils for stress relief, oils for mental health will aid in relaxing the mind and body. For example, ylang ylang acts as a mild antidepressant and will also reduce other health issues such as blood pressure and lower heart rate.
Essential oils can also be blended together to create the perfect scent for your needs and ailments, so if you are struggling to find one do-it-all oil for stress relief or mental health purposes then you can make the right blend for you.

Aromatherapy and medication

If you believe you have depression or any other mental health disorder it is always best to seek medical advice, but this does not mean that you cannot use aromatherapy, it can be used in conjunction with medications for even further mental health improvements.

3. Skin issues

Organic essential oils have been used for centuries for all kinds of health benefits including relieving skin concerns. Aromatherapy can have a very positive impact on your dry-skin, aging lines as well as for antibacterial purposes - all things that can help you feel good in your skin. Some essential oils can be used to great effect on your face when combined with other organic ingredients in our Organic soaps, Washes, and Creams. These include Rose Geranium, Peppermint, Tea Tree and Patchouli.

4. Health issues

Finally, aromatherapy can improve our general body and organ health. Essential oils such as Ylang Ylang, Lavender and Rose Geranium can aid in reducing blood pressure, heart rate, menstrual and PMS pains, as well as colds, flus and aches and pains.
aromatherapy for aches
For aches and pains, organic essential oils can be diluted with other organic ingredients, such as in our light creams and absorbed through the skin into the body through massage or by just working the Cream into the problem area.
Browse our full range of natural, organic, sustainable and vegetarian/vegan products tailored to concern or categorized by aroma on our website.

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